I keep coming across uToob clips that have weird vocalisations, but otherwise seem to have human narrators. Oddly or incorrectly pronounced words throw my flow concentration off and aren't typically the sorts of mistakes that human narrators would make. The pacing, accents and general readings are quite convincing, but it only takes one slip to throw me off and cause a backtrack to pick up the thread again. Stick with humans Grant - we still have a purpose!
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your exceptional initiative! As a passionate high school math enthusiast, I am deeply committed to spreading the joy of mathematics to others. I regularly share the captivating problems and concepts you teach with my classmates and friends, in both English and Hindi, because I believe in the transformative power of math to inspire and enlighten.
The idea of offering Hindi translations for your videos is brilliant and truly impactful. This step would make your incredible content accessible to an even wider audience, particularly among students and young people in India. It offers them a unique opportunity to not only grasp mathematical concepts but also appreciate the inherent beauty of mathematics, which is far more about intuition and creative thinking than mere calculation.
I am thrilled to apply for the translator role—not out of any desire for financial gain, but out of a genuine passion to help promote this meaningful cause. I strongly believe that by making engaging, thought-provoking, and intuitive mathematical content available in Hindi, we can reach countless students who may not have yet encountered the elegance of math in its purest form.
I truly hope this initiative will bridge the language gap, helping to make this knowledge accessible to individuals who may not speak English, and fostering a global community of learners united by the universal language of mathematics. By doing so, we can spark curiosity, cultivate a love for the subject, and empower students around the world to embrace the beauty and wonder of mathematics.
Once again, thank you for the profound impact you are making through this initiative. I look forward to contributing to this extraordinary journey!
Actually this was the problem when I wanted to share 3b1b videos to my friends although we study mathematics in English but they aren't as comfortable with english videos so i had to translate to them in marathi and hindi sometimes. These are the moments when you actually see great explanations for beautiful maths being confined to one kind of audience. Although I also try to explain these concepts in my own way sometimes to my friends but mostly just to myself, i don't think I am the best fit for a hindi (since i don't know math jargon in hindi) voice so best of luck to you. I really hope hindi translations will be a thing as soon as possible, this would really fulfill the purpose of these videos.
It seems I am bit late for applying. However, I have completed the dub and uploaded the video to youtube(unlisted). I would like to dub your videos in Marathi language; which I know is not in the list. None the less, I think making your videos available in Marathi will help Marathi speaking kids and adults. Just to give you an idea of the population this will be serving, there are 99 million people in the work that speak Marathi. If it's a country on it's own, it would be 17th most populous country :-).
Please provide a way to send you the video link and other application details.
I am very interested in helping, I teach AI for both graduate and undergraduate students and many math related topics. I am a native Arabic speaker. please let me know.
I experimented with computer voices for my own maths videos a while ago. The main problem I had was getting them to pronounce mathematical jargon correctly. I tried again more recently with AI voices and they didn't seem any better.
Human voices are still the way to go. If you need anything dubbing into Yorkshire, I'm your man.
Although I come from a Machine Learning background, I was deeply and positively surprised that you chose to invest in human voice acting instead of AI. Keep it up!
I keep coming across uToob clips that have weird vocalisations, but otherwise seem to have human narrators. Oddly or incorrectly pronounced words throw my flow concentration off and aren't typically the sorts of mistakes that human narrators would make. The pacing, accents and general readings are quite convincing, but it only takes one slip to throw me off and cause a backtrack to pick up the thread again. Stick with humans Grant - we still have a purpose!
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your exceptional initiative! As a passionate high school math enthusiast, I am deeply committed to spreading the joy of mathematics to others. I regularly share the captivating problems and concepts you teach with my classmates and friends, in both English and Hindi, because I believe in the transformative power of math to inspire and enlighten.
The idea of offering Hindi translations for your videos is brilliant and truly impactful. This step would make your incredible content accessible to an even wider audience, particularly among students and young people in India. It offers them a unique opportunity to not only grasp mathematical concepts but also appreciate the inherent beauty of mathematics, which is far more about intuition and creative thinking than mere calculation.
I am thrilled to apply for the translator role—not out of any desire for financial gain, but out of a genuine passion to help promote this meaningful cause. I strongly believe that by making engaging, thought-provoking, and intuitive mathematical content available in Hindi, we can reach countless students who may not have yet encountered the elegance of math in its purest form.
I truly hope this initiative will bridge the language gap, helping to make this knowledge accessible to individuals who may not speak English, and fostering a global community of learners united by the universal language of mathematics. By doing so, we can spark curiosity, cultivate a love for the subject, and empower students around the world to embrace the beauty and wonder of mathematics.
Once again, thank you for the profound impact you are making through this initiative. I look forward to contributing to this extraordinary journey!
Actually this was the problem when I wanted to share 3b1b videos to my friends although we study mathematics in English but they aren't as comfortable with english videos so i had to translate to them in marathi and hindi sometimes. These are the moments when you actually see great explanations for beautiful maths being confined to one kind of audience. Although I also try to explain these concepts in my own way sometimes to my friends but mostly just to myself, i don't think I am the best fit for a hindi (since i don't know math jargon in hindi) voice so best of luck to you. I really hope hindi translations will be a thing as soon as possible, this would really fulfill the purpose of these videos.
Thanks for investing in real people. I'm not a fan of AI narrations. To me, they're in an uncanny valley that really grates.
I’m up for it! I can translate to Spanish.
Namaste 3B1B,
I can work with you if for free in Hindi, just one condition you clear my few doubts on machine learning, while I am coding. I really need a mentor.
Hi Grant,
It seems I am bit late for applying. However, I have completed the dub and uploaded the video to youtube(unlisted). I would like to dub your videos in Marathi language; which I know is not in the list. None the less, I think making your videos available in Marathi will help Marathi speaking kids and adults. Just to give you an idea of the population this will be serving, there are 99 million people in the work that speak Marathi. If it's a country on it's own, it would be 17th most populous country :-).
Please provide a way to send you the video link and other application details.
I am very interested in helping, I teach AI for both graduate and undergraduate students and many math related topics. I am a native Arabic speaker. please let me know.
I experimented with computer voices for my own maths videos a while ago. The main problem I had was getting them to pronounce mathematical jargon correctly. I tried again more recently with AI voices and they didn't seem any better.
Human voices are still the way to go. If you need anything dubbing into Yorkshire, I'm your man.
Although I come from a Machine Learning background, I was deeply and positively surprised that you chose to invest in human voice acting instead of AI. Keep it up!